SAVING PEOPLE is her everything(救人就是她的一切)



Ms.S.N.(40yo) had been suffering from severe headaches since 1979. At that time, she knew the Jorei-Healing from a friend (Jorei-Healing member) and visited the Jorei-Healing branch. About 1 week from the first Jorei-Healing, her symptoms became worse, so when she talked to the branch master, he said it was because toxins were about to be excreted from her body. Therefore, it would get better if she overcame it, so she endured and continued to receive the Jorei-Healing. As branch master told, she got better 2 weeks later, and surprisingly she was completely cured 2 months later. She was so impressed by the power of the Jorei-Healing that she immediately became a Jorei-Healing member. There was only 3~4 visitors a day to the branch at that time, but after 9 years, there were some days more than 100 people, and she became very busy to do the Jorei-Healing to many people. She is grateful to be able to help save many people with the Jorei-Healing, and her purpose in life is to convey the Jorei-Healing to as many people as possible and to save people.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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