recovery from valvular HEART DISEASE(从心脏瓣膜病中恢复)



Mr.T.O. had congenital valvular heart disease, but when he was in his twenties, he had no subjective symptoms and enjoyed his work and sports as a hobby. However, palpitations and shortness of breath gradually appeared, and when he was 51yo, he was examined at a hospital and found to have an enlarged heart. As a result of detailed examinations such as voting, cardiac catheterization, echo, etc., blood flowed back due to insufficiency of the aortic valve. He was prompted that the age of 52 was his last chance for surgery, and he agreed. Two surgeries were performed: 1) prosthetic valve replacement surgery 2) amplification valve dilation surgery. It was a major surgery that lasted about 10 hours. His condition was good, and he was discharged from the hospital in two weeks. After that, he spent the life that he had a regular checkup once a month and taking warfarin and some tablets for 16 years. However, when he was 68yo, palpitations and shortness of breath became severe, and he began to sit down after a little exercise, so when he consulted with his doctor, he was told that the amplified valve stenosis had recurred as a result of the checkup and that he had no choice but to perform dilation surgery. It was then that he decided that he would never surgery again. Fortunately, his son and wife were members of Jorei-Healing, so that he began to receive Jorei-Healing every day. He also gradually reduced his medication, and he was worried that if he stopped the warfarin tablets (a medicine that thins the blood and improves the flow), which he must take for a lifetime, he might get a cerebral thrombus, but he stopped all the medicines and depended on Jorei-Healing only. He had been taking roundabout way for a long time, but now his palpitations and shortness of breath had subsided by the Jorei-Healing, and he feels safe every day because he could have disconnected from tests, medications, and surgeries. He hopes that people suffering from heart disease will find this experience helpful and that as many people as possible will be saved by Jorei-Healing.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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