Recovery from HEART disease(5)(心脏病康复)



Mr. K.S. had been repeated admission and discharging the hospital since he was 16yo. 2 years after cecum surgery, he suffered adhesions in his cecum and was knocked unconscious due to rejection reaction of the medication used in the X-ray. 2 years after that, he had severe abdominal pain, his whole body went numb from the pain medication, and he collapsed because his eyes could not see at all. He lost his appetite due to intravenous drips and a lot of medicines, and he was unable to walk because his fever did not go down, and he needed wheelchair. 2 months after I was admitted to the hospital, when I had an angiography from my left thigh for a cardiac artery examination, my heart stopped and I was recovered by electric shock. He started thinking that if he continued to be hospitalized, it would only get worse, and the doctor stopped him, but he refused and decided to leave the hospital. At that time, the doctor gave him 6 different medicines and nitroglycerin. After he was discharged from the hospital, he managed to work, but he was easily tired, his face and legs were swollen, and his body felt heavy. It was around that time that he met his current wife and she took him to the Jorei-Healing branch. As a result, his body gradually became easier, and the next day he excreted a lot of drug-smelling stool and urine. And he stopped all medicines. At that time, he was a car driver, and after he finished long driving, he had a dinner and did office work, he was suddenly dazed, oily sweat appeared, and his chest and heart became painful, so when he did the Jorei-Healing by himself many times, his heart became warmer. After 2 hours, he was able to sleep, finish all his work, and went home safely. It is thanks to the Jorei-Healing that he could work despite suffering from a heart disease like this. One day, when he caught a cold, he went on a business trip with high fever. Although his fever did not go down and his chest was in pain and no appetite, he could complete all his work by the Jorei-Healing. He had been treated a lot of medical care since he was a student, but since he met Jorei-Healing, he is very grateful that he could excrete a lot of toxins and became healthy through the purifying action. To be honest, he thinks that if he had continued medical care, he was not alive. In the future, he wants to continue conveying the Jorei-Healing so that as many people as possible can experience it.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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