HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE normalized(高血压正常化)



Ms.S.M had high blood pressure, often above 220. She was always worried because she was taking various supplements and blood pressure lowering medicines every day for 6 years. Three years ago, she happened to see a newspaper which introduce sick recovery stories by Jorei-Healing and visited a nearby branch with some expectations. The experiences of people with high blood pressure left a particularly strong impression on me. He said that his upper blood pressure was about 200, and when he took a blood pressure lowering medicine, it only dropped to 180, but it dropped to 140 in 10 days with just Jorei-Healing without relying on medicine. Hearing this story inspired her to give it a try. Of course, she was skeptical at first, but she received Jorei-Healing every day, gradually reduced the medicines she had been taking, and finally stopped taking it at all. Even though she wasn’t taking any medicines, her blood pressure dropped to 130 and she was convinced that it was thanks to Jorei-Healing. One year ago, there was a day when it suddenly rose to 200, but after the Jorei-Healing to around kidneys for long time, her head became lighter, her physical condition improved, and her blood pressure down to normal. You can’t understand the wonder of Jorei-Healing effect unless you experience it for yourself. She hopes that people who read this experience story will give it a try.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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