INFLAMMATION of fingertips healed(瘭疽痊愈)



Ms.T.K had been have a little swollen and sore to her fingers in the past, but always had been healed soon, so she did not care as usual. However, this time the swelling of the index finger of the right hand became worse, it suppurated to the base of the finger after a week, swollen to the wrist, and the right hand could not be used. Of course, she could not do housework or drive a car at all. Since she was a Jorei-Healing member, she did it many times. Then, small hole was naturally created on the 10th day and pus came out from there. The symptoms of pus coming out and stopping were repeated many times, and the swelling gradually disappeared. After that, the nail peeled off, and a new one came out. And the right index finger which did not bend at all, also began to bend. To her surprise, the headache and neck and shoulder stiffness were relieved. Through this experience, she realized that all diseases are the cleaning action of toxins in the body, and that the Jorei-Healing is its promoting effect.
*Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

This is my opinion. In the case of medical care, it is effective to pierce with a needle to get pus out because bacteria enter and suppurate. However, in the case of Jorei-Healing, toxins became pus and gathered in the fingers and filled up, and then naturally punctured and came out. After the pus came out, the headache and stiff shoulders were cured, so it is assumed that toxins in the head and neck and shoulders were released by this inflammation. It is truly mysterious that holes are naturally made where they are needed without having to drill by a needle. However, it is a natural purification effect that everyone has. Bacteria does not come in, but bacteria springs up in dirty parts to eliminates toxins, and cleanses the body. This is the truth.

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