Pain in the lower back and both knees has been cured(腰部及双膝疼痛已痊愈)



Ms. L.P.M. (69yo) has been a chef for 30 years since she was in her 30s. She had back pain and both knees due to standing work, and she was taking pain killer almost every day, but it gradually became ineffective. She went to many hospitals and was eventually told that she needed surgery. When she was 59yo, she heard the story of the Jorei-Healing for the first time from a friend. She wondered if there was such a magical treatment that could cure the disease without using medicine or touching the body, but she didn’t want surgery, so she decided to try it. And when she went to the branch for the first time and listened to the explanation of the Jorei-Healing, she was told that it would be more effective if she stopped the medicine she was taking and tried the Jorei-Healing, but she could not stop the medicine. It didn’t have an immediate effect, but she continued to visit the branches. After 2 weeks, her knee and back pain got better, so she stopped taking the medication and actively started receiving the Jorei-Healing every day. At first, her daughter did not believe in Jorei-Healing at all, but after 4 months, she began to receive the Jorei-Healing when she saw that her mother complexion had improved and was able to walk easily. Her daughter had allergic rhinitis, but she recovered with the help of the Jorei-Healing. Later, her 2 grandchildren also began to receive the Jorei-Healing. Before she met the Jorei-Healing, she thought that illness was bad. But now she understands that illness is the process of excreting toxins from the body. After becoming a member of the Jorei-Healing, her work went well, and her body became more and more energetic, and she felt as if she had been reborn. When she first started receiving the Jorei-Healing, her face was black, her body was swollen, her waist was bent, and she was walking with a limp, so it is very different from now. Thanks to the Jorei-Healing, her life has changed for the better, and she feels like she has been given a new lease of life. She hopes that the Jorei-Healing will increase the number of people who will be as energetic as her.

*I refer to the new health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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