Saved from pneumonia by miracle(奇迹般地从肺炎中拯救了)



When Ms.F.O. was in her mother (as a baby), baby was in a breech state. So, mother’s womb was pulled to the side and she was suffering. One day, when mother went to a beauty salon and told to the staff (members of Jorei) about her suffering. Then, the staff started the Jorei-Healing in the shop. Then, after the baby in the womb began to move naturally, the mother’s pain was relieved, and mother was very happy. Two weeks later, mother’s womb started suffering, so mother went to the beauty salon and received the Jorei-Healing, and it became easier again. After that, mother gave birth to her naturally without suffering. At that time, mother had never visited the Jorei-Healing branch. One day when the baby was over 1 yo, baby became pneumonia, so that mother brought baby to the hospital for body checkup. Then it was found that baby was seriously ill and told that night was a most dangerous period for baby. Doctor also told the mother to prepare in case of a baby’s death. Mother was looking at baby’s face in the hospital room and remembering the Jorei-Healing. And she was asking herself, if is it is okay to just look at this baby and sit still without doing anything? If is it ok to ignore the fact that after the Jorei-Healing, this baby moved naturally and the breech state was cured? And the mother took action that asked the beauty salon staff to come to the hospital and did the Jorei-Healing to her baby. Then, after midnight, baby suddenly vomited violently. Mother was surprised at where so many things were in this small baby’s body, but after that, baby’s face turned pink color and baby fell asleep comfortably, which made the mother feel relieved. This miracle was the trigger that her parents became a Jorei-Healing member. It is thanks to the Jorei-Healing that she has her life now. And she is currently devoting herself to the Jorei-Healing activity as a branch master.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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