RHEUMATISM recovered(风湿病)


Ms.U.S./Taiwan was an operator. She had stiff shoulders and her right hand was hurt and numbness. Since symptoms gradually worsened, she went to the hospital. Doctor said she was rheumatism. She was only about 30 yo at that time, she worried what would happen when she got much older. She took Chinese herbal medicine because doctor recommended. But symptoms were not improved. One day, one of her company colleagues recommended her Jorei-Healing. And she tried it because it did not use medicines. After she started Jorei-Healing, she sometimes caught cold. She wondered if she would really get better without taking medicine. But she got better with just Jorei-Healing. Furthermore, it got better and faster than the medical treatment, and there was no dull feeling after taking the medicines. Surprisingly, her stomach became easier after catch cold, and the pain and numbness in her right hand became a little better. She still somehow doubted Jorei-Healing, but she became a member because she understood the Jorei-Healing power was different. After that, she caught a few colds and each time her hand condition improved. She couldn’t believe that rheumatism would get better easily, and she suspected it was due to the season. But regardless of the season change, the pain and numbness in her right hand did not come back again. She realized the Jorei-Healing is truly a wonderful power.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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