Serious complex pelvic fracture healed in 2months(严重复杂盆骨骨折2个月痊愈)



Mr.H.O.(71yo)’s friend suffered a complex pelvis fracture in a car accident and was diagnosed with a 6 months recovery. His friend was told that even if he healed, his walking disorder would remain. After that, Mr.H.O went to the hospital to do the Jorei-Healing every day. Since the pelvis was seriously shattered, the leg was becoming shorter by 10 cm, and surgery was not possible. So, the procedure to pull the leg from the pelvis was performed. He went to the hospital every day and continued to do the Jorei-Healing, but after 3 weeks, His friend was transferred to a large hospital. When doctor compared newly taken x-ray photo with the photo after the accident, doctor could not believe it because complex pelvic fracture had recovered to an extent. When Mr.H.O. saw the photo and heard the explanation from doctor, he was filled with surprise and joy, and he was sure that it was thanks to the Jorei-Healing effect. He thought his friend could not have surgery was also very fortunate, because nothing interfered the Jorei-Healing effect. Even if the person receiving the Jorei-Healing does not know or believe in the Jorei-Healing, he was shown in front of his eyes that the effect will definitely improve. His friend recovered well and was discharged from the hospital only 2 months later without surgery. It is absolutely not normal for a person who was said to be seriously sick for 6 months to be completely cured in 2 months. After this experience, Mr.H.O is making effort to inform the Jorei-Healing to more people and to save people all over the world.

(Blogger’s opinion)
I have introduced a few experiences of quick fracture healing by the Jorei-Healing in a past my blog. But this time it was an example of a complex fracture healed completely in a short period of time, which surprised me. Taking this opportunity, why don’t you experience the Jorei-Healing? We look forward to receiving replies to my blog of those who wish to experience it. Also, I am very happy if you follow my blog.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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