SHOULDER & ARM healed(肩膀和手臂疼痛)


Ms.H.Y./Japan is a Jorei-Healing member. One day, she woke up with severe pain from her left shoulder to the arm. She felt pain all day and couldn’t sleep well in the night. The symptoms continued the next day, but she could work without rest because she could do office work with her right hand. But she couldn’t raise her left arm and hold things. She couldn’t wash her face with both hands, and she wore clothes with family support. When the pain was severe, the palm of her left hand swollen to a red-purple color. Whenever she had the Jorei-Healing, she had pain that tightened her left shoulder and armpit. She thought that these symptoms were not bad effects, but good effects that purified the body, so she looked back on the past. She recalled that there are many medications in the body for pediatric paralysis, otitis media, cecal surgery, and long-term toothache treatments. She thought that the pain in her arm this time was a purifying effect that tried to discharge these medicinal toxins. She was worried about when she would recover, but she quit her job and concentrated on Jorei-Healing. Two months later, the pain disappeared and she could raise her arm to shoulder height. She can now also carry luggage. Three months later, she could ride motorcycle. People who have sever shoulder pain goes to the hospital and have injections and medicines. But it is difficult to recover, so that they have a surgery in worst case. Consequently, they sense unnatural feeling in the arm in the rest of their life. But she recovered by just Jorei-Healing and returned usual condition.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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