5 years of sore throat completely cured in 8 months(5年喉咙痛8个月完全治愈)



Ms.M.U.(53yo) started having throat discomfort when she was 36yo. There was always a feeling of something stuck in her throat and choked. Therefore, when she ate, she felt like something was coming out of her throat. She went to the hospital for tests, but they didn’t know the cause and prescribed medication. Taking the pill every day did not change the symptoms, but I continued to take it for 5 years. When she was 41yo, her older sister saw her in trouble because she was unable to cure her with medicine, and recommended her to do the Jorei-Healing. She didn’t know about the Jorei-Healing and didn’t seem to understand what sister was saying, but she knew that the Jorei-Healing had improved her sister’s physical condition, so she went to the branch to give it a try. When she received it for the first time, there was no change, but from the 5th day, her throat began to feel better, and she was finally completely cured in 8 months. She was impressed by the amazing effect of the Jorei-Healing and became a member. Even after that, she is very grateful that whenever she has a physical ailment, she will always get better with the Jorei-Healing.

*I refer to the new health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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