Stomach ulcer recovered(胃溃疡痊愈了)



Mr. Y.O. (68yo) loved sports when he was a child and was energetic. However, when he was 15yo, he suddenly felt sick to his stomach, lost appetite, couldn’t sleep at night, felt depressed, lost motivation, and became like a depression. He received acupressure and moxibustion treatments, took herbal medicines, and prayed to the gods at shrines and temples, but to no avail. After that, he went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. He was taking medication every day and getting injections in the hospital every day. However, the doctor at the hospital told him that medical care only serves as an auxiliary to digestion and protecting the stomach, and that the stomach can only be cured by the work of the natural healing power of humans. Then he started exercising, running marathons and strength training. It was a little effective, but it did not improve the symptoms of empyema, eczema, and myopia at the time. Later, when he was working at a health center, he had a nutritionist create a menu of healthy meals, but it didn’t work. In his work, he was in charge of infectious diseases, vaccinations, medicines, and satellite education, and he learned about the fear of side effects of various vaccinations and antidiarrheal drugs, and he began to question medical care as a result of many lawsuits being filed and victims crying themselves to sleep. Then, when he was 23yo, his stomach got sick again, he lost his appetite for 3 months, he couldn’t sleep, he had symptoms of depression, and he felt like he was going crazy. He couldn’t stand it, and he wanted to quit his job and the night college he was going to at the time, and commit suicide. At that time, there was a newspaper in the mailbox at home with a story about the experience of the Jorei-Healing. He did not believe in religion, but experience stories of being cured of diseases that could not be cured by hospitals and medicines were impressive. He immediately went to the branch and received the Jorei-Healing. The branch master told him that he didn’t have to believe in the Jorei-Healing, but he was proposed to receive for one week. Then, on the 2nd day, a change appeared, and the appetite began to appear. It was like a lie that he had been anorexic for 3 months. As he continued to receive the Jorei-Healing, his stomach felt better and he became more motivated. As a result, he could graduate from university without quitting his job. Thanks to the Jorei-Healing, anemia, insomnia, headaches, stiff shoulders, back pain, constipation, empyema, eczema, and stomach have improved and he became healthy. In particular, the hospital had been recommending him to have surgery for empyema, but he recovered. And his personality became brighter, and his relationships became better and happier. He was so happy that he became healthy and happy through the Jorei-Healing that he cannot express it in words. If you are suffering from illness, he hopes you will experience the Jorei-Healing.

*I refer to the new health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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