stubborn ATOPIC DERMATITIS cured(顽固性特应性皮炎复发)



Ms.H.S.’s first son began to develop eczema on soft skin around the eyes, neck, behind the knees, and armpits when he was 3 months old, and the skin was rough and sticky in the areas where the symptoms were severe. When he got warm on the bed at night, itching started, and he could not sleep until he finished scratching all over his body. When she brought son to the hospital, he was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis. The doctor explained that most dermatologists treat eczema without knowing the cause, and that atopic dermatitis is the same. In the case of atopy, the drug is an adrenocortical hormone drug, and the itching subsides for a while after application, and the eczema disappears, but it is temporary and itches again. The doctor told to use it only when the itching was severe because of the side effects. Then doctor gave two ointment and the pills. Temporary suppressive drugs with side effects are very scary, so she avoided using them as much as possible and made him taken herbal medicine baths. One day, a neighbor had suggested her Jorei-Healing which the disease could get better without using medicines. Fascinated by the word “no medicines”, she immediately took her son to the Jorei-Healing branch. The branch master explained various things about the purification effect. She became a member six months later so that she could do Jorei-Healing to him at home. Around her eldest son became 1yo, whenever he felt itch, he came to demand her to do the Jorei-Healing and itch was healed every time she did it. Then, atopic dermatitis had completely healed by 3yo. Not only first son but also second son also had serious atopic dermatitis. The symptoms were much severer, and not only the back of the neck and knees, but also the area around the eyes was so sticky that the eyes were blocked. But like first son, he was completely healed without leaving a scar by 3.5yo by only Jorei-Healing. After that, her two sons had from asthma, mumps, chicken pox, and measles, but they got better with the Jorei-Healing only. She hopes that as many people as possible will see this wonderful experience and try Jorei-Healing for your good health.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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