Ms.Y.Y./Taiwan broke the hip joint of her left leg by a car accident at the age of 22. In the 40 years since then, she had 11 surgeries. The reason was that she got not only a car accident but also uterine fibroids, thyroid abnormalities, and various other diseases. Her last surgery (2007) was her spine damage by a car accident and injected bone cement into spine. As a result, a wound has formed on the sole of the foot and had not been closed. The length of her left and right legs has changed due to the surgery, and she has had pain in her tailbone. So, she tried whatever recommended methods even by high price such as folk remedies, healthy foods, and massages. But she was not improved at all. In 2020, she heard the Jorei-Healing from a friend. This healing does not require any medicine or medical treatment. At that time, she did not believe there was such a health method in this world. But she decided to try it because of her friend’s health looks good. Then she went to the Jorei-Healing branch. Surprisingly, five days after the first Jorei-Healing, the wound on the sole of the foot began to close and she was impressed with Jorei-Healing Power. After that, she went to the branch four days a week and clearly felt that her legs were getting well. Whenever she had Jorei-Healing, her body became well, her mood was more energetic, and appetite increased. The posture of leaning forward for many years gradually became straighter, and the bent legs gradually improved. Finally, she could walk smoothly. The right hand which could not raise for many years due to the accident, is now raised.
*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.