A severe toothache was cured with one time Jorei-Healing(一次净靈治疗治愈了严重的牙痛)



Mr. T.F.(56yo) woke up on the morning of October 6, when he was 44yo, and had pain in the right side of his neck, and his lower left gum began to swell and ache from the evening of the same day. From the next day, the left jaw area became swollen, he could not open his mouth, his face was deformed, and severe pain attacked. He didn’t want to take medication, so he had regular dental care every 3 months so he wouldn’t miss work. But this time it hurt so much that he took painkillers. At first, the medicine worked for 6 hours and the pain subsided, but after that, it only worked for about 3 hours. The doctor warned him to take the medicine at least 6 hours apart, but finally he couldn’t stand it and started taking 2 pills every 2 hours, but finally the pain didn’t go away. And he couldn’t sleep at night, and in his heart, he was crying out for help to God. On October 9th, he contacted a friend from the company who had taught him about the Jorei-Healing before and went to the branch for the first time. When he started the Jorei-Healing, he felt that the pain and swelling gradually decreased, and only 1 hour after the Jorei-Healing was over, the pain was completely gone. He was surprised, but he was skeptical that the pain would recur after a while. For the past few days, he couldn’t eat much because of the pain, but on the way home from the branch, he had an appetite, so he went to the restaurant and could eat without pain. Immediately after that, the bleeding began from the left lower gum, and the swelling of the face completely subsided, and the deformity of the face disappeared. And when he got home that evening, his wife was very surprised to see his non swollen face and asked what had happened. When he explained that he recovered by only single Jorei-Healing, his wife was very excited and surprised from beginning to end. After that the couple became members of the Jorei-Healing. In the 12 years since he joined, he has received a lot of protection by Jorei-Healing. It was January 11, when he was 56yo. After returning home from work and having dinner, since he suddenly started to have a headache while having a sweet soup with rice cakes, his wife was doing the Jorei-Healing to him.

Then, he suddenly felt uncomfortable so he ran to the bathroom and vomited profusely and had a nosebleed. After excretion, he became relax for a while, but after 30 minutes, he felt uncomfortable again and ran to the bathroom, and there was a lot of vomiting. After that, he felt better very much, and he could lie down in bed and receive the Jorei-Healing and sleep. The symptoms this time were like cerebral infarction, so if he did not know the Jorei-Healing, he might have collapsed and suffered a stroke, but he realized that excretion of a large amount of toxins from vomiting and nosebleeds saved his life.

Opinion of bloggers
When we receive the Jorei-Healing, our immunity is boosted and the purifying action of excreting toxins from the body is promoted. In the case of toothache, toxins were excreted in the form of bleeding from the gums, and in the case of severe headache, toxins were excreted through vomiting and nosebleeds. Since birth, humans have ingested many artificial toxins such as vaccines, medicines, food additives, and supplements. In particular, artificial toxins continue to accumulate in the body, so when the allowable amount of toxins reaches its limit, you will get sick. The reason why artificial toxins cannot be excreted is that we are part of nature, so we cannot excrete artificial toxins which do not exist in nature. The greatness of the Jorei-Healing is in its ability to excrete artificial toxins to make people healthy.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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