Uterine fibroids cured-2(子宫肌瘤治愈了)



Ms.H.N. went to the hospital in April 1987 because of a problem with his lower back and stomach. She was diagnosed with fibroids and doctors told her that she might have surgery. But she didn’t want to have surgery because she couldn’t take time off from her own work. After a couple of days, she consulted with her friend Mieko, and Mieko introduced her to the Jorei-Healing, which can be cured without surgery, and she immediately visited the branch. At first, she was skeptical, but she thought that if she could heal without surgery, she would try to receive the Jorei-Healing. For the next few months, she went to the branch and received the Jorei-Healing. And when she had it examined at the hospital again, to her surprise, the fibroids were cured. she was told at the hospital before that she had to have surgery, so she couldn’t believe it. However, she got well and became a Jorei-Healing member 9 months later. Later, her husband, who saw her recovery, also joined. Currently, the couple is informing the world of the wonderfulness of the Jorei-Healing.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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