Vascular disorders cured(血管疾病治愈)



Mr. H.O.(32yo) was confident in his physical strength until 13yo, especially baseball. However, when he turned 14yo, he suddenly had difficulty getting strength from his right wrist onwards. At first, he thought he was practicing too much, but the symptoms became so severe that even when he was not doing anything, his body was paralyzed and it was difficult to move, and his walking was affected. To make matters worse, his eyesight was failing and he couldn’t see. At that time, his mother was in trouble due to severe anemia, but a neighbor introduced her to the Jorei-Healing, and since she became healthy with the Jorei-Healing, she became a member, and he also began to receive the Jorei-Healing with her. He had pain from the back of his head to his neck, but the people in the branch encouraged him that the pain was getting better, not because it was getting worse, and as he continued the Jorei-Healing, his body gradually became easier. However, the pain was so severe that there were days when he was absent from school, so his relatives started to worry and he had to go to the hospital. As a result of the examination, the blood vessels in the back of the head were partially narrowed, the blood flow was impaired, and there was a possibility that he would not be able to move his limbs in the future, but he was told that there was no method to cure, so there was no objection from his relatives to continuing with the Jorei-Healing. After that, every time he received the Jorei-Healing many times every day, his body was getting better, so he was convinced that the Jorei-Healing was the only way to recover, and he also decided to become a member. After that, he had a few painful symptoms, but the pain gradually lessened, and by the time he graduated from high school, he was almost cured. Also, to his surprise, his eyesight, which was getting worse, has steadily improved. Before, he was told that it was impossible to work, but he found the best job for him and was working happily. Everything is thanks to the Jorei-Healing, and he is very grateful. He hopes to share this wonderful health method with as many people as possible.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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