Viral gastroenteritis cured(病毒性胃肠炎痊愈)



Ms.M.I.(34yo) is a Jorei-Healing member and began diarrhea on January 8, followed by fever and vomiting in the evening of the next day, and frequent and severe pain throughout her lower abdomen. Her mother is also a member, so she started the Jorei-Healing. At first, the fever became even higher, and the severe pain in the lower abdomen continued, and it was so painful that she asked God for protection, and the severe pain gradually subsided, and after an hour, she was hungry and ate noodles. After that, the pain subsided and she could sleep a little. When she went to the clinic the next day, she was diagnosed with viral gastroenteritis. she informed her workplace of the results of her diagnosis, took five days off, and received the Jorei-Healing every day. Strangely enough, she felt that she wanted to do what she could, and when she did the Jorei-Healing to her family, her physical condition improved even more, her appetite increased steadily, and she slept longer. She could return to work on January 14 because she could endure the pain by the Jorei-Healing. She still gets pain every 2~3 hours, but when she concentrated on her work and before she knows it, she forgets about the pain. After that, she continued to do the Jorei-Healing, and she became even more energetic than before. She has had various illnesses in the past, such as otitis media, tonsillitis, and coronavirus infection, but she has become healthy without relying on any medication. Looking back, she didn’t care about her eating habits and often ate instant foods for lunch, but she was aware that she was getting sicker and sicker. So, from now on, she will try to make lunch at home as much as possible. Then, her physical condition improved, and she began to think about how important her daily diet is. Around that time, a farm for pesticide-free cultivation opened 20 minutes from her house, so she decided to do natural farming recommended by the Jorei-Healing association. Preparing the soil and weeding was more difficult than she had imagined, but more than that, she was so happy to feel the energy of nature as she did it. She was excited to see the vegetables growing, she was filled with love, and she was impressed by the vegetables that were grown without using pesticides, which allowed me to harvest delicious vegetables with a sweet taste such as potatoes and peanuts. She would like to continue to grow pesticide-free vegetables in good spirits and convey the wonders of the Jorei-Healing and the goodness of natural vegetables to as many people as possible.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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