Medical care is temporary suppression-part2(医疗护理是暂时的抑制)

Healing Practice

It is the ingestion of many toxins that can be said to be modern diseases such as foods full of artificial additives, seasonings, juices, mixed pesticides, pain killer medicines, cold medicines, ointments, eye drops, injections, vaccinations, hair dye liquid, and unbalanced diets etc. So, at first, you need to reduce the toxins you ingest. Secondary, accept sick symptoms which are to clean the inside of the body. Thirdly, to reduce painful symptoms and promote detox, I recommend the Jorei-Healing.

In particular, the Jorei-Healing discharges medicinal poisons. So far, I have outlined the related factors for cause, but the cause is the spirit. Outlined mechanism is as follows. The Jorei-Healing is written in Chinese Character as purifying (浄) the spirit(霊). The shape of the spirit is the same as the human body, and it is originally transparent and innocent. For example, if the leg of the spirit is contaminated with toxins, it will be transferred to the leg of the actual body and cause leg disease. Spirits are an invisible world that most people find unacceptable and unbelievable, But I found the document that the difference in effectiveness due to the presence or absence of the Jorei-Healing has been scientifically proven and officially announced at academic conferences. Therefore, it is a content that can be proven to science believers.

However, most important is real recovery results rather than theory. There are many miracles by the Jorei-Healing that can improve, recover, and cure diseases that were said to be incurable, or to avoid danger and save life. Of course, there are cases where there are too many toxins in the body to help, but the number of miracles proves the effectiveness of the Jorei-Healing Power. Also, anyone who becomes a member can do the Jorei-Healing, and even if they doubt it, there is no difference in effectiveness. Furthermore, I can say generally that it does not cost a huge amount of money like medical care and daily supplements, and there is no need to worry about side effects caused by medicines. Right now, as you feel the world is in chaos, and there are incidents happening every day around the world that make us realize how good and evil are clarified and evil is declining. Thus, the Jorei-Healing is the best health method to remove cause of sick and to become real health rather than to suppress the sick symptoms temporarily. I hope as many people as possible will realize this truth and grasp happiness.

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