The displaced kneecap was restored(移位的膝板已恢复)



Ms.M.I.(66yo) slipped and fell 1 year ago while carrying a heavy bag of rice. At that time, she hit her right knee hard and couldn’t move because of the severe pain. At that time, there was no one around, so she crouched for a while and then managed to move to bed, but even after that, the severe pain did not subside and she endured it. It was terrible because the position of the right kneecap was moved up than normal. After that, the pain subsided a bit, and the next day she went to the Jorei-Healing branch with her son’s support. The first time she received Jore-Healing, it was a lot easier, but it hurt if she lifted her right leg even a little, so she had to sit in a wheelchair to go to the bathroom. After that, because of continuing to receive the Jorei-Healing, she could float her right leg a little and move to change the position of her body, and in just a few hours, there was a big change and she realized the awesomeness of the Jorei-Healing. On the 2nd day, when she did the Jorei-Healing at home, the pain was softened than on the 1st day, and she could walk a little while holding on to a wall and other objects. When she went to the branch on the 3rd day, she could climb the stairs to the second floor by herself. Strangely, before she had injured on her feet, she always had mild dizziness, but that symptom has disappeared. For 3 weeks she was using a cane, after which she no longer needed it, and after 1 month she could drive a car on her own. She is grateful that the position of the plate in her knee has been restored, and that she has been able to heal in a short period of time thanks to the Jorei-Healing.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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