Saved from Despair and Full of Hope(离开绝望并充满希望)



Ms.C.M.B.(27yo) found out about the Jorei-Healing in 1990 and her life has changed for the better. At the time, she, her husband, and their two children had sick that could not be cured by medical care or medicine. She suffered from symptoms of decreased thinking, difficulty breathing, palpitations, general weakness, fatigue, dizziness, and headaches. As a result, she could not go out, drive a car, work, or stand up. She took injections and medications periodically, but there was no effect at all. However, since becoming a Jorei member in 1991, she has been completely cured of her sick with the Jorei-Healing. In addition, her husband was often absent from work due to chronic headaches and nervous breakdowns, which was unbearable for the family, but he started receiving Jorei with her, and after a month, the headache only occurred once a week and improved significantly. Now he has almost no headaches. Her eldest son, Julian (4yo) had allergies, so he put on eye drops every day and used an inhaler three times a day for asthma. Once every 3 months, the room, sofa, and bed had to be disinfected with a special spray. Her second son, Adrian (2yo) had a heart defect and was scared because of bradycardia. he was almost dead when he fell, and she was always terrified of death. Therefore, he took 4 types of cardiotonic medicines every day. Therefore, since the couple’s sick was cured by the Jorei-Healing, they decided to stop the children’s medicine and let them receive the Jorei-Healing. Half year later, they were both fine with just the Jorei-Healing. Since becoming a Jorei member, not only she has been completely cured of sick, but also her work has also improved. She was laid off from her morning-only job, but was given preferential treatment and helped financially. Her husband was also unsure whether to continue working from afternoon to late at night, but when he finally decided to quit, he found a new job the next day, during normal working hours. Now she is at home and taking care of the children and earning some income, her husband can come home by 6 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays are day-off, so couple can spend time with the family. Their incomes were stable and they could buy a car for the first time. She is grateful that she finally got happiness thanks to the Jorei-Healing. We also experience the effects of the Jorei-Healing through children. Her second son had a severe cold and a fever of more than 40 degrees. She got scared, so she asked the branch master to come and do the Jorei-Healing, and his fever went down and he recovered the next day. The branch master told that her second son overcame the high fever, and excecated a lot of toxins, so he would be better than before. That’s right, her silent second son suddenly started talking a lot and went to the toilet alone, which he couldn’t go to. It may be a small thing, but it was a big improvement. Also, when her eldest son had an asthma attack with a high fever of over 40 degrees, she became as scared as last time and contacted the branch master. And all night she gave her eldest son the Jorei-Healing, and the next morning he also received the Jorei-Healing at the branch, and she immediately got better. Thanks to the Jorei-Healing, everything in her family has changed for the better, and she is very grateful.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

(Blogger’s opinion)
Like her, it’s natural to get scared when a child gets sick and has a high fever. The symptoms of sick that appear without medication are naturally occurring purifying effects, and I think that the high fever necessary to excrete toxins in the body is generated. Therefore, if you overcome the fever, you will be healthier than before.

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