Saved from the anxiety of blindness(从失明的焦虑中得救)



Ms.K.H.(70yo) knew Jorei-Healing through her mother’s hepatitis. Her mother had a bad liver and was treated at the hospital, and she tried herbal medicine and various therapies. But it only got worse, and her mother was at a loss as to what to do. At that time, a neighbor taught about the Jorei-Healing, her mother wanted to try any method that would cure, so she tried the Jorei-Healing. As her mother continued to do it, she gradually became more energetic, and she was completely cured in the end. This miracle happened when she was 5yo, so she went to the branch with her mother for a while. After graduating from high school, she started living in Fukuoka-city to go to night school, and after 5 years of working during the day and going to school at night, she could get the qualification she wanted. However, around that time, the condition of both eyes suddenly began to deteriorate, and she was suffering from pain as if her eyes were being pulled by a strong force from the back of her eyes. She thought that her eyes must have been strained by her busy daily life. The pain only got worse, and she was examined at the university hospital, but she was told that there was no abnormality and the cause was unknown. She seemed to have entered a dark tunnel with the fear that she would surely lose her sight if the pain continued, and she was mentally unstable and began to think about dying. Finally, she gave up her hopes and dreams and returned to her parents’ house from Fukuoka-city. Around that time, she heard from her mother that there was a branch near her parents’ house, so she immediately visited the branch. She went to the branch with a desperate desire to get rid of the pain in her eyes. As she continued to receive the Jorei-Healing, there were several strong shocks in the back of her eyes, and there were times when she thought that her eyes would be crushed, but the pain gradually subsided day by day. She still vividly remembers that while the pain was subsiding, she was impressed by how amazing the Jorei-Healing was. And she became a member of the Jorei-Healing. It was the greatest joy of her life to have a connection with the Jorei-Healing, and the day she became a member was her second birthday. In addition, when she was in her 50s, she hit her left knee so hard that she couldn’t walk. Her life, which had been normal until now, changed completely, and she had to go to the bathroom on crutches, which was very difficult. For this reason, she asked a member of the branch to come to her house for three months. Her life was completely changed, and her mental turmoil and anxiety combined with menopause caused her to have sleepless days. However, with the daily Jorei-Healing, the pain was relieved and she could walk and drive a car. She is very grateful for the awesomeness of the Jorei-Healing.

*I refer to the new health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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