saved from CHEMICAL TERRORISM(免遭化学疗法)



Everyone, do you remember the “subway sarin terrorism” of Japan that occurred on March 20, 1995 around 8:00am? I cannot forget the terrorist attacks caused by chemical weapons, which killed 14 people and injured 6,300 people, and who are still suffering. I was also working near the station where the terrorism occurred, but on the day, I was not in the Japan because of a business trip to South Korea. I couldn’t forget the scary scene on TV that Self-Defense Force members and paramedics who wearing gas masks busily rescuing people. On the day of the terrorism, other the Jorei-Healing members were also saved from this catastrophe, so I would like to introduce their experiences.

Mr. Y.O: Since his company started at 8:30 in the morning, he was using the train of the time of the sarin terrorism occurred. However, only that day, he was safe because he went to work early by car due to his work issue. His colleague at work seems to have gotten sick just by passing near the subway. He is thankful that God saved him.

Ms.E.U: She got off at the subway station where the terrorism occurred, and a lot of people ran to the stairs and climbed to the top because the station staff shouted, “There is a bomb, please get out quickly.” She was wearing a mask because she had a little asthma, but despite this she had a strange smell. When she went out to outside, she saw a lot of people sitting on the ground or fell. When she saw a person with a pale face and blowing bubbles from the mouth being loaded into an ambulance, she realized that something terrible had happened. Her company was in East Ginza, so she took other route to go to the company at 10:30am. Her colleagues at the company were all worried that she met the sarin terrorism. The managing director of her company was worried and went to the Station to look for her, but he had a headache due to a strange smell and went to the hospital. She also had a headache, but she was recovered quickly by the Jorei-Healing by herself. She was surprised to find out later that the cause of the strange odor was sarin. Thinking that if she made one mistake, her own life would have been in danger, she was strongly felt that the God protected her.

Mr.S.K was always using the train of the time of the sarin terrorism occurred, but only that day he took a different train to meet a friend, so he didn’t meet the terrorism. He felt that it was truly a miracle and he couldn’t stop body trembling at that time. He duly felt that God protected him.

Mr.Y.H was commuting to East-Ginza, but she was absent from work that day, so she didn’t meet a horrific terrorism. She felt protected by God.

Ms.H.A.’s husband always using the train of the same timing of the sarin terrorism occurred, but he was absent from work that day, so he was not involved in the terrorism. She came to so scary by Just imagining what would have had happened if he had gone to work by same train as usual. She felt that God protected him from dangerous places.

Ms.N.T’s eldest son was commuting to the office by train at the time of the terrorism, but he left home a little early that day, so he escaped the disaster with a difference of only a few minutes. She was grateful that God shifted the time only for that day to protect him.

In this way, you can see that by receiving the Jorei-Healing, not only your body but also your soul and spirit will be purified and you will receive protection by the God. The Jorei-Healing, which can receive many miracles both physically and spiritually, is a truly powerful health method, and I hope that as many people as possible will try it once.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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