our theory of sick recovery process-part1(我们的病愈过程理论)

Healing Practice

This is my understanding.

From Jorei-Healing point of view, sick process is like an above image. But before explaining, I would like to tell the precondition that human consists of two kinds of substances. One is Human Spirit, the other is physical body.

【Sick Process】
1. Human take anti-nature substances such as medicines and/or foods.
2. Anti-nature in other words, artificial substances cannot be fully excreted from the body.
3. Remained artificial substances in the body contaminates human blood.
4. Human blood is materialized human spirit so that the spirit is contaminated.
5. Once contaminated the spirit, cloudiness is spring up around the part.
6. For example, in case of heart disease, cloudiness is created at heart in the spirit.
7. This cloudiness at heart in the spirit reflects to physical heart in the body.
8. Consequently, heart disease (=sick) is occurred.

I would like to explain for recovery process from the sick next time.

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