VA○○INE PROBLEM Study Group established-vol.2 (疫苗问题研究小组成立)


Japan September 4, 2023

Similar va○○ine damage has occurred around the world. A typical example is death within a few days after va○○ination. When dissected the victim’s body, the heart had been dissolved. Government is lying and inciting the public and appealing not to be deceived by anti-va○○ine groups. The basis of science is that when a problem occurs, it is common sense to think that medicines are the cause, and it is the duty of scientists and doctors to investigate the relationship with va○○ines. The idea that risks should be respected more than benefits is common knowledge in pharmacotherapy, and if Government insists that benefits outweigh risks, they should show evidence of benefits. Although the Group requested Government to show the evidence, but they made a lot of excuses and did not disclose the data. Because, they knew that real data shows the rate of severe sickness is higher than that of unva○○inated people at a certain age, which is not good for the Government, so they want to cover it up.

When the first mRNA va○○ine was used in humans’ history 2.5 years ago, we couldn’t imagine what would happen, but many problems were revealed. The number of cases of damage, and the variety of adverse reactions is incomparably higher than that of past va○○ines, and the Group is concerned that delay medicine damage will be occurred in the future. To that end, scientists and doctors need to gather full of their knowledges and experiment data be prepared to raise awareness and respond.

In addition, it is very important for each citizen living in the Japan of a democratic country to request disclosure of information from the nation and local governments and raise their voices against them, and if they expect that someone else may do it for us, the Japan will really die.

Photo is referred to Lizzy Channel

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